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Obvious match fixing that you should all know


New Bettor
Dec 20, 2013
Reaction score
So most of the stuff concerning match fixing is what I've found out by adding the dots, but you need a starting point into working out that match fixing is much more than asian gangsters paying low paid players 30'000 euros a match to throw games, this is a great smokescreen that the media and the real players who control football use against you.

When gambling we need to be aware of all the little things that affect our bank and what games to avoid or play to give us a positive ROI over the course of our gambling lives only 3% of people who gamble will win over the course of there life, If you research what I tell you I guarantee you you will be one of these. most people think they can just look at a set of fixtures or a horse race card study a bit of form and win this is the 97% you need alot more knowledge in who owns what and the various other factors that I will show you that do affect the outcomes of sporting events.

France has a rule that not many people know about and that is where 2 teams from the same city are not allowed to compete in the top 2 divisions if one team is already in the 2 divisions.

So there are games that prove small scale match fixing goes on right in front of your eyes that you can find so as not to give your hard earned to the people that own the bookies
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I must admit i am a newbie in this area but happy to learn about others experience before trying to place any bets, thank you for sharing your tips as i find it very useful for my future betting career
When will these people realize that playing a fair game is more exciting that match fixing?
Pity to those who are still not aware on this kind of things.. Thanks for sharing though.